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The Prediction
پیش بینی احسان دانش کی ایک معرکتہ الآرا نظم ہے۔ اس شہرہء آفاق نظم میں 45 بند ہیں اور ہر بند خیال آفرینی ، الفاظ کے چناو اورلہجے کے آہنگ میں بے مثال ہے۔
The Prediction
The Prediction is a legendary poem of poet and prose writer Ehsan Danish. This poem has 45 stanzas and each stanza is unique in tone, vocabulary, diction and thought process. Written in 1958 and later published in 1980, this poem is still fresh and universal in its appeal and can well be framed as one of the masterpieces by Ehsan Danish.
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